Making the decision
So you have acknowledged that you need or want to make an improvement to yourself mentally or physically! Self-defence classes are the best of all worlds as you get fit and learn some cool self-protection stuff at the same time. Remember you are only competing with yourself! ultimately all students are heading towards the same goal “to be able to effectively defend themselves and loved ones” get fit and to have some fun whilst doing it!!
One of my best students was a lady who came in quite timid and unsure at first. Within a year she became one of the best krav practitioners I had ever trained giving guys who had practiced in this system for years a run for their money. It’s great to see this transition and to be a part of her journey and to see the transition and her confidence build
By Educating yourself you immediately empower yourself!
Some students say they are too afraid to use force and worry about the legal consequences of their actions. We run through scenarios, so you have the tools to make the best judgement possible regarding a situation. Sometimes by presenting yourself as a hard target you can avoid a situation all together, if not then you have the physical tools to deal with the threat.

Mixed Classes
But they are bigger than me?
Size really doesn’t matter not when you have trained in Krav Maga. We seem to think that because someone is bigger or stronger that we have no chance to negate the situation. Krav Maga targets key weak points in the body. Eyes, throat, and groin to name a few. You hit these areas with even a marginal amount of force, and you will find the attacker could be sufficiently motivated to break off the attack. Or weakened to the point where you will be able to apply further combative and disengage to then get away. We train to keep going until the job is done, using fighting spirit!
Adrenal freeze and fear. what is the freeze? Can you actually beat it?
I can’t stress this point enough. The feeling you get when presented with danger, the increased heart rate and change in respiration. That feeling of fear and anxiety, hands shaking! It is not a bad thing it is not a weakness do not fear it. Acknowledge it for what it is, your body is preparing you to deal with the situation. It’s our bodies response to help protect ourselves, you channel it and use it!
During an attack whether it be verbal or physical, your first enemy is your own mind. Fight, flight, or freeze can make you a victim or a superhero! So what actually happens to your body when you are faced with danger? The first reaction we have is in the brain, once danger is present. The hypothalamus region alerts the glands in our body which instantly floods the bloodstream with hormones such as adrenaline. This in turn increases respiration and heart rate, our vision narrows to focus on the threat, Some blood vessels constrict and others dilate sending nutrients and oxygen to the largest muscles like the quads triceps and calves to prepare you for action. You may notice your limbs start to shake this is because of the amount of adrenaline in your system, this process is a quite literally a transformation of your body and mind! Understanding what is going on will help you to not fear this response but to embrace it. Being in this state increases our reaction time by over 100% and strength by more than 3 times. So what have you to be afraid of we become almost superhuman 3 times our normal strength.

Defending from the ground
Training for adrenal stress
Krav maga Oxford have many training drills to help you combat the freeze. You will find very quickly that your confidence and mental capacity to deal with a situation will improve and change. This comes through learning and understanding your reactions. While training in a safe environment and allowing you to use these scenario-based training drills under pressure in class. You will understand your self better and have the tools to protect yourself.
There is no tradition to Krav Maga it is not a martial art. There is no magic tricks we simply focus on reality based training and simple solutions. If it works, we use it if it doesn’t, we bin it.
We focus on all elements of an attack from awareness, initiation, through to applying combatives and disengaging. By working our basic principles, we reduce our thought process when we are in a dangerous situation. Allowing us to maintain focus on dealing with the problem in hand.
Situational awareness! Pay attention to your surroundings
Situational awareness is being conscious of where you are and recognising any potential danger. Don’t confuse being aware with being on high alert, we are not suggesting being paranoid. By just being aware we can increase our reaction time by up to 3 times so with this in mind. For example, think how many times we have been walking around looking at our mobile phones or chatting away. Not aware of what is going on, who is around us, obstacles, or exactly where you are. I know because we have all done it.